zondag 28 oktober 2007
donderdag 25 oktober 2007
it's in the air!

dinsdag 23 oktober 2007
zaterdag 20 oktober 2007

I have a soft spot for paper. And for little shops that sell it. Papermoon is one of those shops that I simply have to visit every time I'm passing by. Packed with cards, wrapping paper and other paper wanahaves. The owner always has a surprising collection. Today he showed me a paperdoll of Sinterklaas. A typically Dutch winterfeast on the fifth of december when we celebrate the birthday of Sint Nicolaas. A family evening with hot chocolate, pepernoten, presents and funny rhymes.
donderdag 18 oktober 2007
Alles is Liefde part II
Yesterday we went to see
the movie "Alles is Liefde". It was as good as they told it would be. Great script, wonderful cast and beautiful Amsterdam as the perfect set.
zondag 14 oktober 2007
alles is liefde
Four years ago, in 2003, I left the cinema incredibly lighthearted after watching the movie "Love Actually". After this event I bought the DVD as a medicine to overcome any kind of dip. This week I look forward to see the Dutch version of a lovestory- collage. The previews are promissing.
zaterdag 13 oktober 2007

This time the location will be The Westergasterrein in Amsterdam West.
donderdag 11 oktober 2007
zondag 7 oktober 2007
Les Choristes in concert. I don't know why, but today I had to think back of seeing the great French film "Les choristes" .About a teacher with a passion for music that makes difficult pupils of a boys school sing like angels. Every now and then I have to listen to the soundtrack CD with lots of moving songs. This song, "lueur d'ete"means summerlight.
zaterdag 6 oktober 2007
donderdag 4 oktober 2007
around my corner
woensdag 3 oktober 2007
Children's books

This book brings joy to both children and parents while reading it to them.
dinsdag 2 oktober 2007
pretty serendipities

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